Become a certified Aerobics Instructor and start your new career today! Learn the principles of aerobics that are a must for teaching todays diverse aerobics classes.
Become a certified Aerobics Instructor and start your new career today! Learn the principles of aerobics that are a must for teaching todays diverse aerobics classes. The manual covers setting up your business and the most popular and up to date aerobics methods. The Aerobics Instructor Certification Program shows you how to set up your Aerobics business.

It teaches you the basics of aerobics, liability issues, and types of programs, designing routines and establishing yourself as an aerobics instructor. Other topics are; training for seniors, aerobic dance routines, step aerobics, aquatic aerobics programs and safety. It is a must for any serious aerobics instructor. 3 credit hours (3 CECs).